
At Darwen Vale we endeavour to provide our students with skills and experiences that will equip them for their lives ahead. Our careers provision starts right from day one in Year 7 and continues up to and beyond students’ last day in Year 11. We work in partnership with many stakeholders to offer a meaningful provision and are always looking to add to these partners. If you would like to support us please get in touch with Mr Miele the Careers Lead by e-mail nmiele@darwenvale.com or telephone 01254 223 000.
Uniform essential itemsThe appearance of the pupils reflects very much on the School and all pupils are expected to wear school uniform to and from school and to maintain a smart and clean appearance. The uniform requirements are quite clear and girls must wear only the specified tailored trousers or skirt. Uniform essential items: Items marked with an * must be purchased through the uniform suppliers noted in the tab below. *Official Darwen Vale embroidered badge black blazer. *Official Darwen Vale school tie blue at KS3 and red at KS4. *Official Darwen Vale embroidered lettering black V-Neck pull over. *Official Darwen Vale black stitch down embroidered badge pleat skirt. Waistband must be flat at all times. Black conventional style trousers, not cords or denim, and not bootleg or skinny fit. Students can choose to wear trousers or a skirt. Plain light blue shirt, long sleeve or short sleeve. Students must ensure that their shirt is always tucked in, with the top button done up. Black tights if wearing a skirt, no patterns (Autumn Term – May Half Term). Black socks, no patterns or bows and knee length if wearing a skirt (After May Half Term only). Black leather or simulated leather shoes, no branding and no trainers. Black or navy outer coat, no leather or denim jackets or hooded sweatshirts. Students must not wear coats inside the building. In extreme circumstances if there has to be a variation from the required standard, pupils should be provided with a note explaining the situation and giving a date when the uniform will be complete. The full uniform must be reinstated in as short a time as possible. Pupils risk being sent home to get changed if wearing incorrect uniform without a note. For further information see our appearance and school dress guide here.
Purchasing UniformsGarments in the distinctive school colours with logo can be obtained from: • Gray’s, Northgate, Blackburn Tel: 514257 • Derek Whittaker & Co, 3 Waterloo Pavilions, Church Street, Blackburn BB1 5AL Tel: 676047 • Snazzys, 24 Bridge Street, Darwen School ties and badges are also available at the school from Pupil Services.
PE KitsPE kit essential items: PE kit is only to be worn during PE lessons. *Official Darwen Vale t-shirt – black/maroon. *Official Darwen Vale quarter zip top – black/maroon. Black shorts or tracksuit bottoms Black football socks. Trainers – indoor use. Football boots, no metal studs – outdoor use (3G and field). No leggings or cycle shorts
AppearanceThe appearance of the pupils reflects very much on the School and all pupils are expected to wear school uniform to and from school and to maintain a smart and clean appearance. The uniform requirements are quite clear and girls must wear only the specified tailored trousers or skirt. Uniform essential items: Items marked with an * must be purchased through the uniform suppliers noted in the tab below. *Official Darwen Vale embroidered badge black blazer. *Official Darwen Vale school house tie *Official Darwen Vale embroidered lettering black V-Neck pull over. *Official Darwen Vale black stitch down embroidered badge pleat skirt. Waistband must be flat at all times. Black conventional style trousers, not cords or denim, and not bootleg or skinny fit. Students can choose to wear trousers or a skirt. Plain light blue shirt, long sleeve or short sleeve. Students must ensure that their shirt is always tucked in, with the top button done up. Black tights if wearing a skirt, no patterns (Dates to be confirmed by the principal). Black socks, no patterns or bows and knee length if wearing a skirt. Black leather or simulated leather shoes, no branding and no trainers. Black or navy outer coat, no leather or denim jackets or hooded sweatshirts. Students must not wear coats inside the building. Students must be impeccably dressed in the correct school uniform at all times. The uniform requirements are quite clear and any students not adhering to these requirements will be asked to borrow the required item of uniform, and parents informed to rectify for the next day. Students who need to borrow an item of uniform will also receive a 30-minute same-day detention after school. Should the student refuse the borrowed item they will be placed in internal exclusion. For medical reasons whereby students may not be able to have or wear the correct uniform, medical evidence from a doctor will be required. Pupils risk being sent home to get changed if wearing incorrect uniform without a note.
Items not AllowedPlease note the following items are not permitted in school: Mobile Phones and Smart Watches Mobile phones are not to be seen or heard within the Academy and as soon as our students step foot through the main gate. If a mobile is seen or heard they will be confiscated, placed in the pastoral office and students will be asked to collect at the end of the day after sitting their 30-minute same-day detention for being on their mobile phone. If this happens more than 3 times in one half term, parents/carers will be asked to collect the mobile phone. If you need to contact your child throughout the day you may do so via school reception or your child’s Head of Year. Smart watches capable of communication through connectivity with phones are not permitted. Make up, eyelash extensions and nail varnish/false nails Make up, eyelash extensions, nail polish, and false nails are not permitted. Any visible make-up or nail varnish that is worn will be required to be removed immediately. Cigarettes Any students found to be smoking or in possession of cigarettes will be sanctioned in line with the Academy’s behaviour policy. E-cigarettes Any students found to be smoking or in possession of e-cigarettes will be sanctioned in line with the Academy’s behaviour policy. Aerosols Due to health and safety aerosols are not permitted at the Academy. Students are permitted to bring roll on deodorant if required. Tippex Chewing gum Any students chewing gum, will be sanctioned in line with the Academy’s behaviour policy. Permanent markers Energy drinks
We have regular careers activities during form times where students can explore the opportunities open to them. We hold Careers Events where we invite all local Post-16 providers, training organisations as well as local and national organisations, in for students to talk to so that the message about Post 16 opportunities comes from the people that will be delivering it. Our students take part in career orientated workshops delivered by local employers and colleges. These sessions help to inspire and motivate students which in turn helps to increase aspirations.
Every student is given the opportunity to sample college events prior to deciding which Post-16 provider to apply for. This helps to ensure that students make the right choice for them based on courses, grades and the overall feel of the place.
All our students go through 1 to 1 interviews with people from outside of our school to help them prepare for the life choices they will make about their Post 16 education. This not only helps focus students to make the right choice for them, but also allows students to experience and practice interview techniques before they enter the world of work.
We have staff on hand at all times to offer help and advice about Post-16 providers, apprenticeships and careers. We help students make the choice that suits them best, prepare and take them through the whole application process.
We seek to make pupils aware of how THEY are responsible for their own futures and it is their responsibility to ensure they take advantage of the REAL opportunities that are available to them in school. We strive to create as many opportunities as we can for all of our students and we are able to do this because our links with local Post-16 providers and businesses are strong, and we regularly run trips and visits to enrich student’s experiences relating to careers and their future. We ensure students have the skills that make them “life ready” and are fully prepared for life after school.
Local Labour
Post 16
Post 18 & Adult
Next Steps
Life After
Year 11
Destination data for the cohort 2023/2024 is collated during the Autumn term and published in the Spring term. Of this cohort 97.9% of students went into further education or training. 2.1% of the cohort were Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) which is far lower than the National Average of 4.1%.
Out of a total of 190 students, 169 (88.9%) progressed to Full time education. 10 (5.3%) students went onto an apprenticeship or traineeship. 5 (2.6%) went into full time employment, 1 temporary break from education. 21 students were SEND, 20 went to Full time education, apprenticeships or employment. 7 are studying a Level 1 qualification, 3 are studying a Level 2 qualification, 7 are studying Level 3 qualification, 1 has started a Level 2 apprenticeship and 2 are in full time employment with training.
Of the 190 students progressing to Full time education, 50.5% are studying Level 3, 14.7% Level 2 and 19.5% Level 1.
The school measures and assesses the impact of careers programmes on students by conducting student and parent surveys. We assess our progress towards achieving 100% in all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks which are ratified by our Enterprise Co-Ordinator from Inspira. We monitor the short-term NEET figure given by the Local Authority in February of each year which has been in line or below National Average for the last 5 years.
The school reviews the NEET data published by the Local Authority in February of each year as soon as it is published. This relates to the most recent cohort of leavers. The DFE published data giving a more longer-term picture is typically published in October and then revised in January. The most recent long-term data available is for the 2022 cohort which 89% stayed in the same education or employment for at least 2 terms after KS4. This was published February 2025. (Students that swap destinations, for example change college or course, make up part of the other 11%). Pupils that maintain employment or apprenticeships for 2 terms or more than 6 months is above National Average figures at 7% for each measure.
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