
The aim of the Mathematics department is to help students build up their confidence in using mathematical skills and processes and applying them in problem solving and functional tasks in every day life.
The department is led by Miss Hayes whose colleagues, a further nine, combine wide experience, youthful spirit and impressive professional qualifications in a friendly, ambitious team.
We endeavour to equip all of our students with the skills that they will need to be successful in the ever changing world of the 21st Century. Independence, a desire to learn plus the ability to read with understanding and empathy, write with accuracy and express themselves orally are our key foci. The English team aim to plan and deliver engaging, challenging and personalised lessons, alongside providing regular and rigorous feedback to support and motivate our students to achieve their challenging targets.
What can a student expect from the Faculty?
Qualified and enthusiastic teaching staff
Help, guidance and support
Quality first teaching designed to challenge, inspire and ensure progression
An interesting and relevant course for the future
Extra-Curricular Clubs
1. Maths Club
2. Maths homework drop in
3. Further Maths session (Year 11 only)
4. Maths challenges and trips.
Vision & Aims
We aim to enable our students to:
Comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.
Develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts.
Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions
Key Stage 3 - Curriculum Overview
At Key stage 3, all students will be following the ‘Mathematics Mastery’ programme - a national accredited programme designed to academically challenge whilst providing a joyous education which will close the attainment gap for all students.
Key mathematical skills are tested regularly while formal assessments take place every half term. Students take part in weekly “Numeracy Ninja” challenges during tutor time and as a starter activity in in some maths lessons.
Homework is set on a weekly basis.
In year 7 pupils are set in groups for mathematics based on KS2 results. After 4 weeks these groups are fine-tuned following in-school assessment. Topics covered follow the National Curriculum and include modules on Number, Algebra, Shape, Space and Measure and Data Handling. Resetting for year 8 is based on measured progress through year 7. Movement between sets because of exceptional progress during the year occurs as necessary. These differentiated routes bring pupils by the end of year 9 to the most appropriate starting point for GCSE.
Key Stage 4 - Curriculum Overview
The key stage 4 scheme starts in Year 10 and continues onto year 11 where pupils are prepared for their Edexcel 9-1 Maths exam. Students enter one of two tiers, Higher or Foundation, based on their potential, ability and their attitude towards learning throughout Key Stage 3. There is a considerable overlap in the content of the two tiers as grades 4 and 5 are achievable in both. This allows plenty of time for students to master the skills needed before a final decision on which tier they will sit for the exam in year 11 has to be made to allow them the optimum grade.
Our more able pupils who maybe considering studying A-level Maths are also offered the option of taking achieving a further qualification at Year 11, Further Maths.
Once the scheme has been completed in Year 11, pupils are then taught and supported through past papers and revision materials.